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How to update the project

Updating the project

  1. Change directory:
    cd /home/${USER}/
  2. Make the update script executable:
    sudo chmod +x /home/${USER}/GassistPi/scripts/
  1. Run the update script:
    sudo /home/${USER}/GassistPi/scripts/
  2. If there is an update available, the project will be updated else the script will make a smooth exit.
  3. If the Project is updated, reconfigure the config.yaml file.
The update script will make a backup of your existing project folder before updating eg. GassistPi.bak-xxxx-xx-xx**


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  3. Hi I was wondering what do you mean by re-configuring the config.yaml file and (or) how do you do that. I am a newbie to Linux / Raspbian programming.


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